EU project_EuropeAid 135-012-M-ACT-MK

Project “Voucher system for counseling services”
September 26, 2016
Project Info Pult
October 11, 2016

Preparation and delivery of employability courses within the project “Labour Market Inclusion of Socially Disadvantaged Youth in the Northeast Region”

Within this activity package, up to 60 young persons (18-30) at risk of social exclusion (school dropouts, former drug or alcohol victims, young offenders, young persons without parental care, young persons with special needs (light physical or mental disability) will be empowered with strong employability skills.

Three 2-month employability courses will be organized and delivered.

The employability courses will include:

curricula development
beneficiary identification and needs assessment
course work
monitoring of progress& sustaining motivation

In terms of implementation, the courses will be delivered by external trainers. The final courses’ curricula will be tailor made to the actual needs of each group to be considered in the skill and need assessment phase.

This project is co-financed by the European Union
